It's been eons since my latest post, and quite a lot has been happening...
...well, sort of...
...depending on how you look at it.
I still do not have a job :) But I have come to terms with it. Instead, I have been furthering my work in the exciting world of temporary employment. I recently worked for a consulting firm organizing all of their files as they were moving their office to Princeton. In fact, my supervisor was so impressed with my organizational skills, he offered me a position with the company (shocking because if he saw my bedroom, it would be clear to him that I do not take my organizational powers home with me). However, the job was about 70 miles away. Sadly, that was not going to happen. And I'm kind of glad I was not able to accept the position because being tied down to a career in the finance field sounds similar to suicide.
Currently, I just landed a customer service position for a well-known hospital, which is not bad so far. Today is my first day. The job is not overly demanding and so far has given me lots of free time to browse the internet (hence this post), so hopefully I'll be updating more frequently.
As of now, it looks like I'll be heading back to Montauk this summer, where hopefully more of my dreams will be actualized. In a weird way, even though this past year has left me feeling more lost than I ever have before, it was good for me. It put things in perspective and allowed me to dip my feet into a variety of different puddles.
Everyone is complaining that we graduated with the worst economy, but I can attest that it really has made me stronger, more resourceful. I've had to find new, and quite creative ways to bring in money. I realized on the drive in to work today that I would much rather graduate in this terrible economy than have a wife, 2 kids, and a house to pay for and then not be able to find work. It could always be worse, right?
So right now, as of 5:16 PM today, I am not really that worried. I am excited for what's next.
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